Jason James Howard, MD
Orthopaedic Surgeon- Cerebral Palsy
- Duchenne Muscular Atrophy
- Neuromuscular Disorders
- Neuromuscular Scoliosis
- Spastic Muscle Basic Science
- Spinal Muscular Atrophy
The impact of neurological impairment and tone on hip joint development; Journal of Children's Orthopaedics; (2024).
Kinematic Changes throughout Childhood in Youth with Cerebral Palsy: Influence of Age and Orthopaedic Surgery; Children; (2024).
Femoral neck–shaft angle changes based on the severity of neurologic impairment in children with cerebral palsy and spinal muscular atrophy; Journal of Children's Orthopaedics; (2024).
The Etiology of Neuromuscular Hip Dysplasia and Implications for Management: A Narrative Review; Children; (2024).
Hip displacement in children with cerebral palsy: surveillance to surgery – a current concepts review; SICOT-J; (2024).
Intrathecal baclofen therapy does not prevent hip displacement in children with cerebral palsy; Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology; (2023).
Is Standing Function Improved after Orthopaedic Surgery in Children with Cerebral Palsy at GMFCS Levels III/IV?; Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics; (2023).
Collagenase treatment decreases muscle stiffness in cerebral palsy: A preclinical ex vivo biomechanical analysis of hip adductor muscle fiber bundles; Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology; (2023).
Hip Surveillance and Management of Hip Displacement in Children with Cerebral Palsy: Clinical and Ethical Dilemmas; Journal of Clinical Medicine; (2023).
Hip Displacement Does Not Change After Pelvic Obliquity Correction During Spinal Fusion in Children With Cerebral Palsy; Journal of pediatric orthopedics; (2023).
Hip Displacement after Triradiate Cartilage Closure in Nonambulatory Cerebral Palsy: Who Needs Continued Radiographic Surveillance?; Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery; (2023).
Understanding skeletal muscle in cerebral palsy: a path to personalized medicine?; Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology; (2022).
Does the presence of programmable implanted devices in patients with early onset scoliosis alter typical operative and postoperative practices? A survey of spine surgeons; Spine Deformity; (2022).
Lengthening Behavior of Magnetically Controlled Growing Rods in Early-Onset Scoliosis: A Multicenter Study; Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery; (2022).
Does the Addition of Intrathecal Baclofen Along with or After Soft-Tissue Hip Adductor Surgery Decrease the Need for Hip Reconstruction Compared with Soft-Tissue Surgery Alone for Children with Nonambulatory Cerebral Palsy?; Indian Journal of Orthopaedics; (2022).
Body mass index affects outcomes after vertebral body tethering surgery; Spine Deformity; (2022).
The influence of tone on proximal femoral and acetabular geometry in neuromuscular hip displacement: A comparison of cerebral palsy and spinal muscular atrophy; Journal of Children's Orthopaedics; (2022).
No Difference in the Rates of Unplanned Return to the Operating Room Between Magnetically Controlled Growing Rods and Traditional Growth Friendly Surgery for Children With Cerebral Palsy; Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics; (2022).
No difference in postoperative complication rates or cardiopulmonary function for early versus late scoliosis correction in Duchenne muscular dystrophy; Spine Deformity; (2022).
Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with Pelvic Rod/Screw Radiographic Lucency Following Scoliosis Surgery in Spastic Cerebral Palsy: A Longitudinal Study; Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics; (2022).
The Effect of Surgeon Experience on Outcomes Following Growth Friendly Instrumentation for Early Onset Scoliosis; Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics; (2022).
Treatment of a Lisfranc Injury in a 7-Year-Old Boy: Case Report and Surgical Technique; JBJS Case Connector; (2022).
Walking activity after multilevel orthopedic surgery in children with cerebral palsy; Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology; (2022).
Growth-friendly spinal instrumentation in marfan syndrome achieves sustained gains in thoracic height amidst high rates of implant failure; Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics; (2021).
Growth-preserving instrumentation in early-onset scoliosis patients with multi-level congenital anomalies; Spine Deformity; (2021).
Hip Displacement in MECP2 Disorders: Prevalence and Risk Factors; Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics; (2021).
Congenital scoliosis of the pediatric cervical spine: Characterization of a 17-patient operative cohort; Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics; (2021).
Pain trajectories following adolescent idiopathic scoliosis correction analysis of predictors and functional outcomes; JBJS Open Access; (2021).
Skeletal Muscle in Cerebral Palsy: From Belly to Myofibril; Frontiers in Neurology; (2021).
Orthopaedic Manifestations of Transverse Myelitis in Children; Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics; (2021).
The change in sagittal plane gait patterns from childhood to maturity in bilateral cerebral palsy; Gait and Posture; (2021).
The role of traditional growing rods in the era of magnetically controlled growing rods for the treatment of early-onset scoliosis; Spine Deformity; (2021).
Well-Being of Ambulatory Adults With Cerebral Palsy: Education, Employment, and Physical Function of a Cohort Who Received Specialized Pediatric Care; Frontiers in Neurology; (2021).
The impact of scoliosis surgery on pulmonary function in spinal muscular atrophy: a systematic review; Spine Deformity; (2021).
Stiffness of hip adductor myofibrils is decreased in children with spastic cerebral palsy; Journal of Biomechanics; (2019).
Kyphectomy in Myelomeningocele for Severe Early-Onset Kyphosis Using Distal Intravertebral Fixation and Thoracic Growing Rods; Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Global Research and Reviews; (2019).
Relationship of muscle morphology to hip displacement in cerebral palsy: a pilot study investigating changes intrinsic to the sarcomere; Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research; (2019).
Intramuscular injection of collagenase clostridium histolyticum may decrease spastic muscle contracture for children with cerebral palsy; Medical Hypotheses; (2019).
Sarcopenia, cerebral palsy, and botulinum toxin type a; JBJS Reviews; (2019).
Comparison of motor-evoked potentials versus somatosensory-evoked potentials as early indicators of neural compromise in rat model of spinal cord compression; Spine; (2017).
Robotic-assisted minimally invasive surgery of the spine (RAMISS): a proof-of-concept study using carbon dioxide insufflation for multilevel posterior vertebral exposure via a sub-paraspinal muscle working space; International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery; (2017).
Balancing innovation and medical device regulation: The case of modern metal-on-metal hip replacements; Medical Devices: Evidence and Research; (2016).
Treatment of flexion-Type supracondylar fractures in children: The 'push-pull' method for closed reduction and percutaneous K-wire fixation; Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics Part B; (2016).
QUESTION 2: What is the predictive value of an antenatal ultrasound showing apparently isolated talipes equinovarus?; Archives of Disease in Childhood; (2016).
Validity of Transcranial Motor Evoked Potentials as Early Indicators of Neural Compromise in Rat Model of Spinal Cord Compression; Spine; (2015).
Medical devices and the Middle East: Market, regulation, and reimbursement in Gulf Cooperation Council states; Medical Devices: Evidence and Research; (2014).
Comparison of cast materials for the treatment of congenital idiopathic clubfoot using the Ponseti method: A prospective randomized controlled trial; Canadian Journal of Surgery; (2014).
Sagittal spinopelvic parameters of young children with scoliosis; Spine Deformity; (2013).
Validity of somatosensory evoked potentials as early indicators of neural compromise in rat model of spinal cord compression; Clinical Neurophysiology; (2013).
Nerve blocks for initial pain management of femoral fractures in children; Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; (2013).
The effectiveness of scoliosis screening programs: Methods for systematic review and expert panel recommendations formulation; Scoliosis; (2013).
Thoracic myelopathy secondary to seizure following scoliosis surgery; Journal of Child Neurology; (2012).
Deep wound infection following pediatric scoliosis surgery: Incidence and analysis of risk factors; Canadian Journal of Surgery; (2011).
Perioperative blood transfusion requirements in pediatric scoliosis surgery: The efficacy of tranexamic acid; Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics; (2009).
Femoral fractures in children younger than three years: The role of nonaccidental injury; Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics; (2008).
Hip displacement in cerebral palsy; Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery; (2006).
Cerebral palsy in Victoria: Motor types, topography and gross motor function; Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health; (2005).
Posterolateral dislocation of the C1-C2 articulation associated with fracture of the anterior arch of C1: a case report.; Spine; (2004).