
Thao-Ly Tam Phan-Vo, MD


91大神 Children's Hospital, Delaware 1600 Rockland Road Wilmington, DE 19803


Thao-Ly Tam Phan, MD, MPH is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Thomas Jefferson University, a Research Scientist with the 91大神 Center for Healthcare Delivery Science, and Medical Director of the 91大神 Healthy Weight and Wellness Clinic. Dr. Phan's research interests are inspired by her experiences as a pediatrician working with families of children with obesity and centered around understanding psychosocial risk factors that contribute to disparities in health outcomes among children with obesity and developing interventions to engage families of children with obesity of diverse backgrounds in treatment, leveraging technology. Dr. Phan has been the recipient of several grants including an APA Research in Academic Pediatrics Initiative on Diversity award (sponsored by the NIDDK) and a K23 career development award (sponsored by the NICHD). Dr. Phan is currently a research project lead for the 91大神 REACH Center, a NIGMS Center of Biomedical Research Excellence. She is also research project lead on two projects funded by ACCEL to understand and address disparities in child health outcomes resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and is a co-investigator for the Delaware site of the ISPCTN, serving as site PI for several ISPCTN clinical trials. She has participated in several national obesity working groups, including the PEDSnet Healthy Weight Network, CHA's Focus on a Fitter Future, the AAP Institute for Healthy Childhood Weight's Expert Exchange, and COMPASS, and is currently Co-Chair for the ISPCTN's Obesity Working Group.


  • Pediatric Weight Management - 91大神/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, 2014


  • Pediatrics - Jefferson Medical College/Alfred I. duPont Hosp., 2012


  • M.D. - Brown University, 2009

  • Childhood Obesity
  • Health Disparities
  • Health Information Technology
  • Stakeholder-Engagement

  • Impact of COVID-19 Diagnosis on Weight Trajectories of Children in the US National COVID Cohort Collaborative; Unknown Source; (2025).

  • Reliable prediction of childhood obesity using only routinely collected EHRs may be possible; Obesity Pillars; (2024).

  • Persistent Disparities in Pediatric Health Care Engagement During the COVID-19 Pandemic; Public Health Reports庐; (2023).

  • Active vs Traditional Methods of Recruiting Children for a Clinical Trial in Rural Primary Care Clinics: A Cluster-Randomized Clinical Trial.; JAMA network open; (2022).

  • Who will Leave a Pediatric Weight Management Program and When? - A machine learning approach for predicting attrition patterns; arXiv; (2022).

  • COVID-19 Exposure and Family Impact Scales for Adolescents and Young Adults; Journal of Pediatric Psychology; (2022).

  • Interrelationships among age at adiposity rebound, BMI during childhood, and BMI after age 14 years in an electronic health record database.; Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.); (2022).

  • Conducting a pediatric randomized clinical trial during a pandemic: A shift to virtual procedures.; Journal of clinical and translational science; (2022).

  • Medical factors associated with caregiver intention to vaccinate their children against COVID-19.; Vaccine: X; (2022).

  • Flexible-Window Predictions on Electronic Health Records.; Proceedings of the ... AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence; (2022).

  • Validation of the COVID-19 Exposure and Family Impact Scales.; Journal of pediatric psychology; (2022).

  • Obesity Prediction with EHR Data: A deep learning approach with interpretable elements.; ACM transactions on computing for healthcare; (2022).

  • Associations Between Weight and Lower Respiratory Tract Disease Outcomes in Hospitalized Children.; Hospital pediatrics; (2022).

  • Measuring BMI change among children and adolescents.; Pediatric obesity; (2022).

  • A Longitudinal Comparison of Alternatives to CDC BMI Z-Scores for Children With Very High BMIs.; The Journal of pediatrics; (2021).

  • COVID-19 Exposure and Family Impact Scales: Factor Structure and Initial Psychometrics.; Journal of pediatric psychology; (2021).

  • Concurrent imputation and prediction on EHR data using bi-directional GANs; Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics; (2021).

  • Disparities in Delaware Caregiver Beliefs about the COVID-19 Vaccine for their Children.; Delaware journal of public health; (2021).

  • Weight Status and Risk of Inpatient Admission for Children With Lower Respiratory Tract Disease.; Hospital pediatrics; (2021).

  • Obesity-related asthma in children: A role for vitamin D.; Pediatric pulmonology; (2020).

  • Obesity prediction with EHR data: A deep learning approach with interpretable elements; arXiv; (2019).

  • Electronic Gaming Characteristics Associated with Class 3 Severe Obesity in Youth Who Attend the Pediatric Weight Management Programs of the COMPASS Network; Childhood Obesity; (2019).

  • An Interpretable Prediction Model for Obesity Prediction using EHR Data; arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.02655; (2019).

  • Electronic gaming characteristics associated with class 3 severe obesity in youth who attend the pediatric weight management programs of the COMPASS Network; Childhood Obesity; (2019).

  • Integrating childhood obesity resources into the patient-centered medical home: Provider perspectives in the United States.; Journal of child health care : for professionals working with children in the hospital and community; (2018).

  • A Narrative Review of Medical and Genetic Risk Factors among Children Age 5 and Younger with Severe Obesity.; Childhood obesity (Print); (2018).

  • Feasibility of Using a Commercial Fitness Tracker as an Adjunct to Family-Based Weight Management Treatment: Pilot Randomized Trial; JMIR mHealth and uHealth; (2018).

  • Characteristics of Children 2 to 5 Years of Age With Severe Obesity. ; Pediatrics; (2018).

  • Impact of Psychosocial Risk on Outcomes among Families Seeking Treatment for Obesity.; The Journal of pediatrics; (2018).

  • Does parent bariatric surgery influence adolescent bariatric surgery outcomes?; Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases; (2017).

  • Problem Video Gaming Among Children Enrolled in Tertiary Weight Management Programs.; Cyberpsychology, behavior and social networking; (2017).

  • Psychological contributors to noncompletion of an adolescent preoperative bariatric surgery program.; Surgery for obesity and related diseases : official journal of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery; (2016).

  • Weight Trajectory in Refugee Children after Resettling in the United States: A Pilot Study. ; Journal of pediatrics and child nutrition; (2016).

  • Parent perception of weight-related behaviors in young children with obesity; Health Behavior and Policy Review; (2015).

  • Disparities in parent confidence managing child weight-related behaviors.; Patient education and counseling; (2014).

  • A delayed-control trial examining the impact of body mass index recognition on obesity-related counseling; Clinical Pediatrics; (2013).

  • A delayed-control trial examining the impact of body mass index recognition on obesity-related counseling; Clinical pediatrics; (2013).

  • Quarterly visits with glycated hemoglobin monitoring: the sweet spot for glycemic control in youth with type 1 diabetes.; Diabetes care; (2013).

  • Evaluation of weight loss on a low-calorie meal replacement diet as a potential predictor of weight loss after laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding surgery in adolescents.; Obesity surgery; (2013).

  • Evaluation of Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Morbidly Obese Adolescents Seeking Bariatric Surgery; Chest; (2013).

  • Evaluation of Sleep Quality in Morbidly Obese Adolescents Seeking Bariatric Surgery; Chest; (2013).

  • Evaluation of intelligence in an adolescent bariatric population.; Surgery for obesity and related diseases : official journal of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery; (2012).

  • Does body mass index accurately reflect body fat? A comparison of anthropometric measures in the longitudinal assessment of fat mass.; Clinical pediatrics; (2012).