Rebecca Shira Stainman, MD
NeurologyInsurance Accepted
- Aetna HMO
- Amerihealth Caritas Delaware
- Amerihealth Caritas Delaware NJ
- Cigna & Great West HMO/POS/EPO
- Cigna & Great West PPO
- Cigna Lifesource Transplant
- Cigna/Great West HMO EPO POS
- Cigna/Great West PPO
- Delaware First Health
- Delaware Medicaid/Diamond State
- Devon Health Services
- Fidelis Care NJ Medicaid HMO
- First Health PPO
- First Health/Affordable PPO
- Geisinger Health Plan Commercial
- Global Medical Managment DE/PA
- Global Medical Mangment NJ
- Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Delaware
- Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Delaware *PA Loc Contiguous to DE*
- Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Delaware *PA Loc NONContiguous to DE*
- Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Pennsylvania
- Highmark Medicaid Health Options
- Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey
- Independance Blue Cross/Amerihealth/Keystone Health Plan
- Insurance Administrators of America
- INTEGRA Administrative Group (ClaimsBridge)
- Interlink Transplant
- Lifetrac Transplant
- Maryland Medicaid
- Multiplan PPO
- National Transplant (Humana)
- New Jersey Medicaid
- Olympus Managed Healthcare PPO DE/PA
- Olympus Managed Healthcare PPO NJ
- Preferred Healthcare PPO
- Private Health Care Systems (PHCS)
- Private Healthcare Systems (PHCS)
- Qualcare HMO/POS/PPO
- Star Healthcare Network
- Star Healthcare Network
- Three Rivers Provider Network
- Tricare/Humana Military Health Services/CHAMPVA
- United Healthcare of the Mid-Atlantic
- UPMC Medicaid
- US Family Health Plan
- Wellpoint Maryland Medcaid
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Cerebral Palsy
- Concussions
- Epilepsy
- Epilepsy Surgery
- Pediatric Brain Injury
- Pediatric Concussion Management
A Comparison of Patients' and Neurologists' Assessments of their Teleneurology Encounter: A Cross-Sectional Analysis; Telemedicine and e-Health; (2024).
Use of Simulation in Medical Education Across Adult Neurology Residency Programs in the US (P8-7.003); Neurology; (2024).
Changes in pediatric referrals after the 2009 ketogenic diet consensus recommendations; Epilepsy & Behavior; (2024).
Neurologists' Evaluations of Experience and Effectiveness of Teleneurology Encounters; Telemedicine and e-Health; (2023).
Curriculum Innovations: A Comprehensive Teleneurology Curriculum for Neurology Trainees; Neurology Education; (2023).
Developing a Pilot Program to Increase Stroke Education Among Internal Medicine Residents (P17-10.002); Neurology; (2022).
Creating and Implementing a Virtual Simulation for Neurology Trainees (P8-6.004); Neurology; (2022).
A Longitudinal, Integrated Teleneurology Trainee Curriculum (S34.007); Neurology; (2022).
Life stressors significantly impact long-term outcomes and post-acute symptoms 12-months after COVID-19 hospitalization; Journal of the Neurological Sciences; (2022).
Trajectories of Neurologic Recovery 12 Months After Hospitalization for COVID-19; Neurology; (2022).
A prospective study of long-term outcomes among hospitalized COVID-19 patients with and without neurological complications; Journal of the Neurological Sciences; (2021).
Housestaff Wellness During COVID-19: One Department's Approach (3049); Neurology; (2021).
Pediatric Phencyclidine (PCP) Intoxication: First Reported Human MRI and EEG Findings (3054); Neurology; (2021).
Creating and Implementing a Teleneurology Simulation: Preparing Trainees for the Virtual World (1967); Neurology; (2021).
Teleneurology Resident Education Curriculum: Trainees' Perspective (1915); Neurology; (2021).
Neurology Clerkship Education During COVID-19: Identifying and Addressing Obstacles (3044); Neurology; (2021).
Telephone Visits in a Resident Clinic: During the Pandemic and Beyond (3018); Neurology; (2021).
Assessing and Enhancing Non-Neurology Resident Education on Acute Stroke Identification and Intervention (2910); Neurology; (2020).
Training in Neurology: Identifying and addressing struggling colleagues in the era of physician burnout; Neurology; (2020).
Seizure mimics in children: An age-based approach; Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care; (2020).
Identifying and Addressing Impaired Co-Residents in the Era of Physician Burnout (S39.004); Neurology; (2019).
Potential Role of Febrile Seizures and Other Risk Factors Associated With Sudden Deaths in Children; JAMA Network Open; (2019).
Modified Pediatric ASPECTS Correlates with Infarct Volume in Childhood Arterial Ischemic Stroke; Frontiers in Neurology; (2012).
Decreased relative efficacy of the ketogenic diet for children with surgically approachable epilepsy; Seizure; (2007).
Trajectories of Neurological Recovery 12 Months after Hospitalization for COVID-19: A Prospective Longitudinal Study; Unknown Source; (0000).
A Prospective Study of Long-Term Outcomes Among Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients with and without Neurological Complications; Unknown Source; (0000).
- English