Lloyd N. Werk, MD
Consultative PediatricsInsurance Accepted
- Aetna Better Health FL Medicaid and Healthy Kids
- AmeriHealth Caritas Florida (FKA Prestige Health Choice)
- AvMed
- Blue Cross and Blue Shield HMO
- Blue Cross and Blue Shield Non HMO
- Blue Cross and Blue Shield of FL Network Blue
- Blue Cross and Blue Shield of FL PPO/Traditional
- Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida HMO/Health Options
- Blue Cross Blue Shield Florida Blue Select
- Cigna & Great West HMO/POS Open Access
- Cigna & Great West PPO/EPO
- Community Care Plan Medicaid
- Employers Health Network PPO
- Evolutions Healthcare
- First Health Aetna PPO/EPO
- Florida Community Care
- Florida Medicaid
- Florida Medicare
- Health First Health Plans
- HealthSmart Health Plans PPO
- Humana PPO/EPO
- Molina Healthcare Medicaid
- Multiplan PPO
- Olympus Managed Healthcare PPO ORL
- Prime Health Services PPO Specialty Florida
- Seminole Tribe of Florida
- Simply Healthcare Healthy Kids
- Simply Healthcare Medicaid HMO
- Star Healthcare Network
- Sunshine SMI/CMS 19 & 21
- Sunshine State Health Plan Medicaid
- Three Rivers Provider Network
- Tricare/Humana Military Health Services/CHAMPVA
- United Healthcare Commercial Products
- United Healthcare Community Plan Medicaid
- Volusia Health Network PPO/EPO
Research Activities
I serve as the Chief of 91 Children's Hospital's Division of General Academic Pediatrics and Hospital Medicine, as well as direct a multidisciplinary weight management program focusing on the medical, nutritional, and psychosocial care of children with obesity. Caring for children with health consequences from their obesity motivates me to work towards prevention. I also direct 91 Florida Prevention Initiative, which sponsors community outreach projects to help young children grow up healthy and ready to learn. I’ve authored and contributed to several manuscripts, presentations, and abstracts related to how patient care delivery can be improved, as well as efforts to promote healthy lifestyle changes. I’ve served on professional societies' boards and committees and have academic appointments with University of Central Florida, Florida State University, and University of South Florida. I also lead the 91 Maintenance of Certification program, part of the Office of Quality and Safety, and contribute to projects promoting effective clinical decision-making.
Medical Interests
- Childhood obesity and weight management
- Evidence-based medicine
- Health promotion
- Healthy eating and physical activity
- Quality improvement activities
Characteristics Associated With Positive Social Determinants of Health Screening in Patients Admitted to Pediatric Hospital Medicine.; Hospital pediatrics; (2024).
Patient-Reported Outcomes to Describe Global Health and Family Relationships in Pediatric Weight Management; Childhood Obesity; (2024).
Clinical Findings in Adolescents Hospitalized With EVALI; Novel Report on Coagulopathy; Hospital Pediatrics; (2022).
Testing the Use of Data Drawn from the Electronic Health Record to Compare Quality; Pediatric Quality & Safety; (2021).
Impact of a Personalized Audit and Feedback Intervention on Antibiotic Prescribing Practices for Outpatient Pediatric Community-Acquired Pneumonia; Clinical Pediatrics; (2020).
Evaluation of “Healthy Way to Grow”: An Obesity Prevention Program in Early Care and Education Centers; Early Childhood Education Journal; (2020).
Quality Improvement Project to Promote Identification and Treatment of Children With Obesity Admitted to Hospital; American Journal of Medical Quality; (2020).
Provider-Focused Intervention to Promote Comprehensive Screening for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis by Primary Care Pediatricians; American Journal of Medical Quality; (2019).
Integrating childhood obesity resources into the patient-centered medical home: Provider perspectives in the United States; Journal of Child Health Care; (2019).
Promoting Adherence to Influenza Vaccination Recommendations in Pediatric Practice; Journal of Primary Care & Community Health; (2019).
Electronic Gaming Characteristics Associated with Class 3 Severe Obesity in Youth Who Attend the Pediatric Weight Management Programs of the COMPASS Network; Childhood Obesity; (2019).
Feasibility of pediatric obesity and prediabetes treatment support through Tess, the AI behavioral coaching chatbot; Translational Behavioral Medicine; (2019).
Use of EHR-Based Pediatric Quality Measures: Views of Health System Leaders and Parents; American Journal of Medical Quality; (2019).
Feasibility of Using a Commercial Fitness Tracker as an Adjunct to Family-Based Weight Management Treatment: Pilot Randomized Trial; JMIR mHealth and uHealth; (2018).
Pet visitation: A study of hospital volunteer motivations; Unknown Source; (2018).
A Provider-Focused Intervention to Promote Optimal Care of Pediatric Patients With Suspected Elbow Fracture; Pediatric Emergency Care; (2018).
Problem Video Gaming among Children Enrolled in Tertiary Weight Management Programs; Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking; (2017).
Electronic health record as a research tool: Frequency of exposure to targeted clinical problems and health care providers? clinical proficiency; Journal of Biomedical Informatics; (2017).
Impact of Personalized Audit and Feedback on Management of Pediatric Outpatient Community-Acquired Pneumonia; Open Forum Infectious Diseases; (2017).
Relationship between abdominal adiposity and exercise tolerance in children with obesity; Pediatric Physical Therapy; (2016).
Identifying variables associated with physicians clinical cognitive knowledge decay; Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) ; (2016).
Structured Development of Interventions to Improve Physician Knowledge Retention; Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) ; (2015).
Reliability of Common Lower Extremity Biomechanical Measures of Children with and Without Obesity; Pediatric Physical Therapy; (2015).
Quarterly visits with glycated hemoglobin monitoring: The sweet spot for glycemic control in youth with type 1 diabetes; Diabetes Care; (2014).
A Win-Win Scenario: Using the Electronic Health Record to Facilitate Quality Improvement and Achieve Physician Maintenance of Certification; Journal of Healthcare Information Management ; (2011).
Parent Perceptions to Promote a Healthier Lifestyle for Their Obese Child; Social Work in Health Care; (2011).
5-2-1-almost none: parents' perceptions of changing health-related behaviors in their obese child.; The Permanente journal; (2009).
Association between practice patterns and body mass index percentile in infants and young children with cystic fibrosis; Journal of Cystic Fibrosis; (2008).
Flexible interlocked nailing of pediatric femoral fractures: Experience with a new flexible interlocking intramedullary nail compared with other fixation procedures; Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics; (2008).
Comparing the effectiveness of modified forearm and conventional minidose intravenous regional anesthesia for reduction of distal forearm fractures in children; Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics; (2008).
Evaluation of blood lead proficiency testing: comparison of open and blind paradigms.; Clinical chemistry; (2001).
Beliefs about diagnosing asthma in young children; Pediatrics; (2000).
Medicine for the millennium: Demystifying EBM; Contemporary Pediatrics; (1999).
Solid feeding guidelines; Lancet; (1998).
Practical considerations when treating children with antimicrobials in the outpatient setting; Drugs; (1998).
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